

  1. J. Alexandre, N. Defenu, G. Grigolia, I. G. Marian, D. Mdinaradze, A. Trombettoni, Y. Turovtsi-Shiutev and I. Nándori, Renormalisation of non-differentiable potentials, arXiv:2112.14696 [hep-ph].
  2. T. J. Kärkkäinen and Z. Trócsányi, Super-weakly coupled U(1)z and GeV neutrinos, arXiv:2111.07789 [hep-ph].
  3. A. Kardos, S. O. Moch and G. Rodrigo, Particle physics facing a pandemic, arXiv:2111.05585 [physics.soc-ph].
  4. G. Bevilacqua, H. Y. Bi, F. Ferbes Cordero, H. B. Hartanto, M. Kraus, H. Nasufi, L. Reina, M. Worek, Modeling uncertainties of t tbar W+- multi-lepton signatures, Phys. Rev. D 105 1, 014018 (2022) arXiv:2109.15181 [hep-ph].
  5. A. Kardos, G. Somogyi, A. Verbytskyi, Determination of alpha_S beyond NNLO using the event shape averages, proceedings of the 50th International Symposium on Multiparticle Dynamics, arXiv:2109.13114 [hep-ph].
  6. I. G. Marian, U. D. Jentschura, N. Defenu, A. Trombettoni, I. Nándori, Renormalization of Field-Independent Term in the Cosmological Constant Problem, arXiv:2107.06069 [hep-th].
  7. G. Bevilacqua, M. V. Garzelli, A. Kardos, L. Tóth, W + charm production with massive c quarks in PowHel, arXiv:2106.11261 [hep-ph].
  8. G. Bevilacqua, D. D. Canko, A. Kardos and C. G. Papadopoulos, Progress on 2-loop Amplitude Reduction, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2105 no. 5, 012010 (2021).
  9. D. D. Canko, A. Kardos, C. G. Papadopoulos, A. V. Smirnov, N. Syrrakos and C. Wever, Progress on Feynman Integrals for 2 -> 3 scattering at NNLO, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 2105 no. 4, 012009 (2021).
  10. T. J. Karkkainen, Z. Trócsányi, Experimental constraints on the neutrino and gauge parameters of the super-weak U(1) extension of the standard model, J. Phys. G 49 4, 045004 (2022) arXiv:2105.13360 [hep-ph].
  11. G. Bevilacqua, H. Y. Bi, H. B. Hartanto, M. Kraus, M. Lupattelli, M. Worek, t tbar b bbar at the LHC: on the size of corrections and b-jet definitions, JHEP 08, 008 (2021), arXiv:2105.08404 [hep-ph].
  12. S. Iwamoto, T. J. Karkkainen, Z. Péli, Z. Trócsányi, One-loop corrections to light neutrino masses in gauged U(1) extensions of the standard model, Phys. Rev. D 104 5, 055042 (2021) arXiv:2104.14571 [hep-ph].
  13. S. Iwamoto, K. Seller, Z. Trócsányi, Sterile neutrino dark matter in a U(1) extension of the standard model, JCAP 01, 035 (2022) arXiv:2104.11248 [hep-ph].
  14. S. Alekhin, A. Kardos, S. Moch, Z. Trócsányi, Precision studies for Drell-Yan processes at NNLO, Eur. Phys. J. C 81, 573 (2021), arXiv:2104.02400 [hep-ph].
  15. G. Bevilacqua, t tbar W+- at NLO accuracy with realistic final states, proceedings of the 13th International Workshop on Top Quark Physics (2021), arXiv:2102.13169 [hep-ph].
  16. G. Bevilacqua, H. Y. Bi, H. B. Hartanto, M. Kraus, J. Nasufi, M. Worek, NLO QCD corrections to off-shell t tbar W+- production at the LHC: Correlations and Asymmetries, Eur. Phys. J. C 81, 675 (2021), arXiv:2012.01363 [hep-ph].
  17. A. Kardos, G. Somogyi, A. Verbytskyi, Determination of alpha_S beyond NNLO using event shape moments, Eur. Phys. J C 81 4, 292 (2021) arXiv:2009.00281 [hep-ph].
  18. Z. Péli, Derivative expansion for computing critical exponents of O(N) symmetric models at next-to-next-to-leading order, Phys. Rev. E 103 032135 (2021), arXiv:2010.04020 [hep-th].
  19. G. Bevilacqua, Off-shell effects in ttbar + gamma/Z production at the LHC, PoS LHCP2020 066 (2021), arXiv:2009.13213 [hep-ph].


  1. G. Somogyi, F. Tramontano, Fully exclusive heavy quark-antiqurk pair production from a colourless initial state at NNLO in QCD, JHEP 11 (2020) 142, [arXiv:2007.15015 [hep-ph]].
  2. G. Bevilacqua, Effects of top-quark decay modeling in ttbar gamma production at the LHC, Acta Phys. Polon. B 51 (2020) 1267, [arXiv:2003.14293 [hep-ph]]
  3. G. Bevilacqua, H. Y. Bi, H. B. Hartanto, M. Kraus, M. Worek, The simplest of them all: ttbar W+- at NLO accuracy in QCD, JHEP 08 (2020) 043 [arXiv:2005.09427 [hep-ph]].
  4. Z. Trócsányi, Status of particle physics, Europhysics News 51/2 (2020) 23-25 (link to abstract).
  5. A. Kardos, A. J. Larkoski, Z. Trócsányi, Two- and three-loop data for groomed jet mass, Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020) 114034 [arXiv:2002.05730 [hep-ph]].
  6. A. Kardos, A. J. Larkoski, Z. Trócsányi, Groomed jet mass at high precision, Phys. Lett. B 809 (2020) 135794 [arXiv:2002.00942 [hep-ph]].
  7. G. Bevilacqua, H. B. Hartanto, M. Kraus, T. Weber, M. WorekOff-shell vs on-shell modelling of top quarks in photon associated production, JHEP 03 (2020) 154 [arXiv:1912.09999 [hep-ph]].
  8. Z. Trócsányi, Precise determinations of the strong coupling in lepton collisions, PoS FFK20219 (2020) 035, contribution to FFK2019, 035.
  9. Z. TrócsányiSuper-weak force, PoS FFK20219 (2020) 022, contribution to FFK2019, 022.
  10. Z. Péli, I. Nándori, Z. Trócsányi, Particle physics model of curvaton inflation in a stable universe, Phys. Rev. D 101 (2020) 6, 063533 [arXiv:1911.07082 [hep-ph]].
  11. I. G. Márián, N. Defenu, U. D. Jentschura, A. Trombettoni, I. Nándori, Renormalization-Group Running Induced Cosmic Inflation, JCAP 06, (2020) 028 [arXiv:1909.00580 [astro-ph.CO]].  

  12.   Z. Trócsányi, Super-weak force and neutrino masses, Symmetry 12 (2020) 1,107, contribution to MTTD2019, 107 [arXiv:1812.11189 [hep-ph]].


  1. A. Kardos, A. Larkoski, Z. TrócsányiSoft-Dropped Observables with CoLoRFuLNNLO, Acta Phys. Polon. B 50 (2019) 1891.

  2. G. BevilacquaPrecise Predictions for ttbar + EmissT at the LHC, Acta Phys. Polon. B 50 (2019) 1881. 

  3. Z. Trócsányi, New results on the determination of the strong coupling, PoS CORFU2018 (2019) 002.

  4. J. de Blas et al. [incl. T. Robens], The CLIC Potential for New Physics, CERN Yellow Rep. Monogr. Vol. 3 (2018), [arXiv:1812.02093 [hep-ph]].

  5. J. Kalinowski, W. Kotlarski, T. Robens, D. Sokolowska, A. F. ZarneckiExploring Inert Scalars at CLIC, JHEP 1907 (2019) 053 [arXiv:1812.02093 [hep-ph]].

  6. T. Abe et al. [incl. T. Robens]LHC Dark Matter Working Group: Next-generation spin-0 dark matter models, Phys. Dark Univ. 100351, [arXiv:1810.09420 [hep-ex]].

  7. Z. Trócsányi, Hol tart a részecskefizika? Fizikai Szemle, 2019 LXIX évfolyam, 7-8. szám 232-236.

  8. Z. TrócsányiMit kezdjünk az új nemzetközi mértékegységrendszerrel? Fizikai Szemle, 2019 LXIX évfolyam, 5. szám 158-159.

  9. D. Horváth, Z. TrócsányiIntorduction to particle physics, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2019, ISBN-13: 978-1-5275-2808-6, textbook.

  10. U. D. Jentschura, I. Nándori, G. Somogyi, Lorentz Breaking and SU(2)_L x U(1)_Y Gauge Invariance for Neutrino Decays, arXiv:1908.01389.

  11. G. Bevilacqua, H. B. Hartanto, M. Kraus, T. Weber, M. Worek, Towards constraining Dark Matter at the LHC: Higher order QCD predictions for ttbar + Z(Z -> vl vbarl), JHEP 1911 (2019) 001, [arXiv:1907.09359 [hep-ph]].

  12. G. Bighin, N. Defenu, I. Nándori, L. Salasnich, A. Trombettoni, BKT-paired phase in coupled XY models, Phys. Rev. Lett. 123 (2019) no.10, 100601 [arXiv:1907.06253 [cond-mat.stat-mech]].

  13. D. d'Enterria et al. [incl. A. Kardos, G. Somogyi, Z. Trócsányi, Z. Tulipánt], alpha_S(2019): Precision measurements of the QCD coupling, arXiv:1907.051435.

  14. G. BevilacquaOn the ratio of ttbar gamma and ttbar cross sections at the LHC, in proceedings, XXVII International Workshop on Deep-Inelastic Scattering and Related Subjects (DIS 2019), arXiv:1906.10534 [hep-ph]

  15. A. Blondel et al. [incl. A. Kardos, G. Somogyi, Z. Trócsányi, Z. Tulipánt], Theory report on the 11th FCC-ee workshop, arXiv:1905.05078.

  16. A. Kardos, S. Kluth, G. Somogyi, Z. Tulipánt, A. Verbytskyi, Precise determination of alpha_S(M_Z) from a global fit of energy-energy correlations to NNLO+NNLL predictions, EPJ Web Conf. 206 (2019), 05002.

  17. S. Alekhin, M. Benzke, G. Bevilacqua, M.V. Garzelli, A. Kardos, B. Kniehl, S.O. Moch and O. Zenaiev, Heavy-flavour production processes relevant for PDF fits, PoS DIS 2019 (2019), 13 [PoS Volume 352, 013].

  18. G. Somogyi, I Nándori, U. D. JentschuraNeutrino Splitting for Lorentz-Violating Neutrinos: Detailed Analysis, Phys. Rev. D 100 (2019) no.3, 035036 [arXiv:1904.10505 [hep-ph]].

  19. A. Verbytskyi, A. Banfi, A. Kardos, P. F. Monni, S. Kluth, G. Somogyi, Z. Szőr, Z. Trócsányi, Z. Tulipánt, G. ZanderighiHigh precision determination of alpha_S(M_Z) from a global fit of jet rates, JHEP 1908 (2019) 129 [arXiv:1902.08158 [hep-ph]].

  20. Z. Péli, Z. TrócsányiStability of the vacuum as constraint on U(1) extensions of the standard model, arXiv:1902.02791 [hep-ph]. 

  21. A. Primo, G. Sasso, G. Somogyi, F. TramontanoExact Top Yukawa corrections to Higgs boson decay into bottom quarks, Phys. Rev. D 99 (2019) no.5, 054013 [arXiv:1812.07811 [hep-ph]].

  22. G. Bevilacqua, H. B. Hartanto, M. Kraus, T. Weber, M. WorekPrecise predictions for ttgamma/tt cross section ratios at the LHC, JHEP 1901 (2019) 188, [arXiv:1809.08562 [hep-ph]].

  23. N. Defenu, V. Bacsó, I. G. Márián, I. Nándori, A. TrombettoniBerezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition and criticality of an elliptic deformation of the sine-Gordon model, J. Phys. A 52 (2019) 345002, [arXiv:1706.01444 [hep-th]].

  24. I. G. Márián, N. Defenu, U. D. Jentschura, A. Trombettoni, I. NándoriPseudo-periodic natural Higgs inflationNucl. Phys. B 945 (2019) 114642, [arXiv:1705.10276 [astro-ph.CO]].


  1. U. D. JentschuraGravitational effects in g-factor measurements and high-precision spectroscopy: Limits of Einstein's equivalence principle, Phys. Rev. A 98 (2018) no.3, 032508, [arXiv: 1808.02089 [hep-ph]].

  2. A. Verbytskyi, A. Banfi, A. Kardos, P. F. Monni, S. Kluth, G. Somogyi, Z. Szőr, Z. Trócsányi, Z. Tulipánt, G. ZanderighiPrecise determination of alpha_S(M_Z) from global fits of e+e- data to NNLO+NNLL predictions, Nucl. Part. Phys. Proc. 300-302 (2018) 87-92.

  3. A. Kardos, G. Somogyi, Z. TulipántNNLO QCD calculations with CoLoRFulNNLO, PoS RADCOR 2017 (2018) 018.

  4. Zs. Iszály, K. Lovász, I. Nagy, I. G. Márián, J. Rácz, I. A. Szabó, L. Tóth, N. F. Vas, V. Vékony, I. NándoriEfficiency of magnetic hyperthermia in the presence of rotating and static fields, J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 466 (2018) 452, [PoS Volume 290, 018].

  5. A. KardosA new reduction strategy for special negative sectors of planar two-loop integrals without Laporta algorithm, arXiv:1812.05622 [hep-ph].

  6. J. Kalinowski, W. Kotlarski, T. Robens, D. Sokolowska, A. F. ZarneckiExploring Inert Scalars at CLIC, arXiv:1811.06952 [hep-ph].

  7. LHC Dark Matter Working GroupNext-generation spin-0 dark matter models, arXiv:1810.09420 [hep-ex].

  8. J. Kalinowski, W. Kotlarski, T. Robens, D. Sokolowska, A. F. ZarneckiBenchmarking the Inert Doublet Model for e+e- colliders, JHEP 1812 (2018) 081, [arXiv:1809.07712 [hep-ph]].

  9. G. Bevilacqua, H. B. Hartanto, M. Kraus, T. Weber, M. WorekHard Photons in Hadroproduction of Top Quarks with Realistic Final States, JHEP 1810 (2018) 158, [arXiv:1803.09916 [hep-ph]].

  10. A. Kardos, G. Somogyi, Z. TrócsányiSoft-drop event shapes in electron-positron annihilation at next-to-next-to-leading order accuracy, Phys. Lett. B 786 (2018) 313-318, [arXiv:1807.11472 [hep-ph]].

  11. A. Kardos, G. Bevilacqua, G. Somogyi, Z. Trócsányi, Z. TulipántCoLoRFulNNLO for LHC processes, PoS LL 2018 (2018) 074, arXiv:1807.04976 [hep-ph].

  12. Z. Tulipánt, A. Kardos, S. Kluth, G. Somogyi, A. Verbytskyi, Precise determination of the strong coupling from energy-energy correlation, PoS LL 2018 (2018) 030.

  13. A. Ilnicka, T. Robens, T. Stefaniak, Constraining Extended Scalar Sectors at the LHC and beyondMod. Phys. Lett. A 33 (2018) no.10n11, 1830007[arXiv: 1803.03594 [hep-ph]].

  14. D. Horváth, Z. TrócsányiMüon: mi az és mire jó?Fizikai Szemle LXVIII. évfolyam, 5. (761.) szám, 147-154.

  15. A. Kardos, S. Kluth, G. Somogyi, Z. Tulipánt, A. Verbytskyi, Precise determination of alpha_S(M_Z) from a global fit of energy-energy correlation to NNLO+NNLL predictions, Eur. Phys. J. C 78 (2018) no.6, 498, [arXiv:1804.09146 [hep-ph]].

  16.  U. D. Jentschura, I. NándoriAtomic physics constraints on the X bosonPhys. Rev. A 97 (2018) no.4, 042502, [arXiv: 1804.03096 [hep-ph]].

  17.  G. Bevilacqua, H. B. Hartanto, M. Kraus, M. Schulze, M. WorekTop quark mass studies with ttbar jet at the LHC, JHEP 1803 (2018) 169 [arXiv:1710.07515 [hep-ph]].

  18.  G. Ferrera, G. Somogyi, F. TramontanoAssociated production of a Higgs boson decaying into bottom quarks at the LHC in full NNLO QCDPhys. Lett. B 780 (2018) 346-351 [arXiv:1705.10304 [hep-ph]].


  1. G. Somogyi, Jet cross sections in NNLO QCD Lepton and Hadron collisions, Frascati Phys. Ser. 65 (2017) 9-16.

  2. G. Bevilacqua, H. B. Hartanto, M. Kraus, M. Schulze, M. WorekOff-shell ttbar jet production and top quark mass studies at the LHC, Acta Phys. Polon. B 48 (2017) 2251 [arXiv:1711.01831 [hep-ph]].

  3. D. Horváth, Z. TrócsányiBevezetés az elemi részek fizikájába, Typotex, 2017, Budapest, ISBN: 978 963 279 907, textbook (in Hungarian)

  4. U. D. Jentschura, I. NándoriNeutrino Pair Cerenkov Radiation for Tachyonic NeutrinosAdv. High Energy Phys. 2017 (2017) 9850312, [arXiv:1711.02660 [hep-ph]]

  5.  G. Bevilacqua, M. V. Garzelli, A. Kardosttbar bbbar hadroproduction with massive bottom quarks with PowHel, arXiv:1709.06915 [hep-ph]

  6.  Z. Tulipánt, A. Kardos, G. SomogyiEnergy–energy correlation in electron–positron annihilation at NNLL + NNLO accuracy, Eur. Phys. J. C 77 (2017) no.11, 749, [arXiv:1708.04093 [hep-ph]]

  7. U. D. Jentschura, I. Nándori, R. EhrlichCalculation of the decay rate of tachyonic neutrinos against charged-lepton-pair and neutrino-pair Cerenkov radiationJ. Phys. G 44 (2017) no.10, 105201, [arXiv:1709.07711 [hep-ph]]

  8.  G. Somogyi, A. Kardos, Z. Szőr, Z. TrócsányiHigher order corrections in the CoLoRFulNNLO framework, Acta Phys. Polon. B 48 (2017) 1195,[arXiv:1706.01688 [hep-ph]]

  9. N. Defenu, A. Trombettoni, I. Nándori, T. EnssNonperturbative renormalization group treatment of amplitude fluctuations for phi^4 topological phase transitionsPhys. Rev. B 96 (2017) no.17, 174505, [arXiv:1706.00618 [cond-mat.quant-gas]]

  10. A. Kardos, Numerika a Higgs-bozon körül, Fizikai Szemle LXVII. évfolyam, 3. (747.) szám, 84-89.


  1. G. Bevilacqua, Complete off-shell effects for top-antitop + jet production with leptonic decays at the LHC, PoS DIS 2016 (2016) 151.

  2. LHC Higgs Cross Section Working Group Collaboration [incl. A. Kardos and Z. Trócsányi], Handbook of LHC Higgs Cross Sections: 4. Deciphering the Nature of the Higgs Sector, arXiv:1610.07922 [hep-ph].

  3. G. Somogyi, A. Kardos, Z. Trócsányi, Completely local fully differential subtractions at NNLO, PoS LL 2016 (2016) 054.

  4. A. Kardos, G. Somogyi, Z. Trócsányi, Jet cross sections with CoLoRFul NNLO, PoS LL 2016 (2016) 021.

  5. Z. Trócsányi, QCD for collider experiments, CERN-2015-004 (2016) arXiv:1608.02381 [hep-ph].

  6. G. Bevilacqua, H. B. Hartanto, M. Kraus, M. Worek, Off-shell Top Quarks with One Jet at the LHC: A comprehensive analysis at NLO QCD, JHEP 1611 (2016) 098.

  7. V. Del Duca, C. Duhr, A. Kardos, G. Somogyi, Z. Szőr, Z. Trócsányi, Z. Tulipánt, Jet production in the CoLoRFulNNLO method: event shapes in electron-positron collisions, Phys. Rev. D 94 (2016) no.7, 074019 [arXiv:1606.03453 [hep-ph]].

  8. V. Del Duca, C. Duhr, A. Kardos, G. Somogyi, Z. Trócsányi, Three-jet production in electron-positron collisions using the CoLoRFulNNLO method, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117 (2016) no.15, 152004, [arXiv:1603.08927 [hep-ph]].

  9. J. Rácz, P. F. de Chatel, I. A. Szabó, L. Szunyogh, I. Nándori, Improved efficiency of heat generation in nonlinear dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles, Phys. Rev. E 93 (2016) 012607 [arXiv:1502.01619 [cond-mat.mes-hall]].

  10. P. Mati, Critical scaling in the large-N O(N) model in higher dimensions and its possible connection to quantum gravity, Phys. Rev. D 94 (2016) no.6, 065025 [arXiv:1601.00450 [hep-th]].


  1. Z. Trócsányi, A. Kardos, t tbar + isolated photon production at NLO accuracy matched with parton shower, PoS EPS-HEP 2015 (2015) 311.

  2. Z. Trócsányi, G. Somogyi, F. Tramontano, Fully differential decay rate of a standard model Higgs boson into a b-quark pair at NNLO accuracy, PoS EPS-HEP 2015 (2015) 438.

  3. Z. Trócsányi, M. V. Garzelli, A. Kardos, Hadroproduction of a charged vector boson pair in association with a b-quark pair at NLO accuracy matched with parton shower, PoS EPS-HEP 2015 (2015) 319.

  4. Z. Trócsányi, G. Somogyi, F. Tramontano, Fully Differential Decay Rate of a Standard Model Higgs Boson into Two b-jets at NNLO, Acta Phys. Polon. B 46 (2015) no.11, 2097.

  5. G. Somogyi, F. Tramontano, Z. Trócsányi, Colorful NNLO - Completely local subtractions for fully differential predictions at NNLO, PoS RADCOR 2015 (2015) 051.

  6. A. Kardos, Jet production in the colorful NNLO framework, PoS RADCOR 2015 (2015) 047.

  7. C. G. Papadopoulos, D. Tommasini, C. Wever, The Pentabox Master Integrals with the Simplified Differential Equations approach, JHEP 1604 (2016) 078 [arXiv:1511.09404 [hep-ph]].

  8. V. Bacsó, N. Defenu, A. Trombettoni, I. Nándori, c-function and central charge of the sine-Gordon model from the non-perturbative renormalization group flow, Nucl. Phys. B 901 (2015) 444-460 [arXiv:1507.04902 [cond-mat.stat-mech]].

  9. P. Mati, Vanishing beta function curves from the functional renormalization group, Phys. Rev. D 91 (2015) 125038 [arXiv:1501.00211 [hep-th]].

  10. A. Kardos, Z. Trócsányi, Hadroproduction of t–anti-t pair with two isolated photons with PowHel, Nucl. Phys. B 897 (2015) 717-731 [arXiv:1408.0278 [hep-ph]].

  11. A. Kardos, Z. Trócsányi, Hadroproduction of t anti-t pair in association with an isolated photon at NLO accuracy matched with parton shower, JHEP 1505 (2015) 90 [arXiv:1406.2324 [hep-ph]].

  12. N. Defenu, P. Mati, I. G. Márián, I. Nándori, A. Trombettoni, Truncation Effects in the Functional Renormalization Group Study of Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking, JHEP 1505 (2015) 141 [arXiv:1410.7024 [hep-th]].

  13. V. Del Duca, C. Duhr, G. Somogyi, F. Tramontano, Z. Trócsányi, Higgs boson decay into b-quarks at NNLO accuracy, JHEP 1504 (2015) 036 [arXiv:1501.07226 [hep-ph]].
  14. M. V. Garzelli, A. Kardos, Z. Trócsányi, Hadroproduction of ttbb final states at LHC: predictions at NLO accuracy matched with Parton Shower, JHEP 1503 (2015) 083 [arXiv:1408.0266 [hep-ph]].

  15. C. G. Papadopoulos, D. Tommasini, C. Wever, Two-loop Master Integrals with the Simplified Differential Equations approach, JHEP 1501 (2015) 072 [arXiv:1409.6114 [hep-ph]].


  1. J. Butterworth, G. Dissertori, S. Dittmaier, D. de Florian, N. Glover, K. Hamilton, J. Huston, M. Kado et al., Les Houches 2013: Physics at TeV Colliders: Standard Model Working Group Report, arXiv:1405.1067 [hep-ph].
  2. T. S. Biró, Z. Szendi, Z. Schram, Quarks, Flow and Temperature in Spectra, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 509 (2014) 012027 [arXiv:1309.5463 [hep-ph]].
  3. T. S. Biró, Z. Szendi, Z. Schram, Illusory Flow in Radiation from Accelerating Charge, Eur. Phys. J. A 50 (2014) 60 [arXiv:1401.1987 [hep-ph]].
  4. G. S. Denicol, H. Niemi, I. Bouras, E. Molnar, Z. Xu, D. H. Rischke, C. Greiner, Solving the heat-flow problem with transient relativistic fluid dynamics, Phys. Rev. D 89 (2014) 7, 074005 [arXiv:1207.6811 [nucl-th]].

  5. M. V. Garzelli, A. Kardos, Z. Trócsányi, Hadroproduction of W+W-bb at NLO accuracy matched with shower Monte Carlo programs, JHEP 1408 (2014) 069 [arXiv:1405.5859 [hep-ph]].

  6. U. D. Jentschura, J. H. Noble, Foldy-Wouthuysen Transformation, Scalar Potentials and Gravity, J. Phys. A 47 (2014) 4, 045402 [arXiv:1312.3456 [gr-qc]].

  7. U. D. Jentschura, D. Horvath, S. Nagy, I. Nándori, Z. Trócsányi, B. Ujvári, Weighing the Neutrino, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 23 (2014) 1450004 [arXiv:1312.3932 [hep-ph]].

  8. U. D. Jentschura, B. J. Wundt, Neutrino helicity reversal and fundamental symmetries, J. Phys. G 41 (2014) 075201 [arXiv:1206.6342 [hep-ph]].

  9. U. D. Jentschura, I. Nándori, Attempts at a determination of the fine-structure constant from first principles: A brief historical overview, Eur. Phys. J. H 39 (2014) 5, 591 [arXiv:1411.4673 [hep-ph]].

  10. U. D. Jentschura, J. H. Noble, I. Nándori, Gravitational Interactions and Fine-Structure Constant, arXiv:1502.00622 [physics.gen-ph].

  11. A. Kardos, Z. Trócsányi, Hadroproduction of t anti-t pair with a b anti-b pair using PowHel, J. Phys. G 41 (2014) 075005 [arXiv:1303.6291 [hep-ph]].

  12. J. Kovács, S. Nagy, K. Sailer, Optimized regulator for the quantized anharmonic oscillator, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 30 (2015) 1550058 [arXiv:1403.3544 [hep-th]].

  13. J. Kovács, S. Nagy, K. Sailer, Asymptotic safety in the sine-Gordon model, Phys. Rev. D 91 (2015) 4, 045029 [arXiv:1408.2680 [hep-th]].

  14. O. Luongo, D. Tommasini, Modeling dark energy through an Ising fluid with network interactions, Int. J. Mod. Phys. D 23 (2014) 1450023 [arXiv:1304.3829 [hep-th]].

  15. M. V. Garzelli, A. Kardos, Z. Trócsányi, Precision tools for Higgs physics, PoS LL 2014 (2014) 031.

  16. I. G. Márián, U. D. Jentschura, I. Nándori, The numerically optimized regulator and the functional renormalization group, J. Phys. G 41 (2014) 055001 [arXiv:1311.7377 [hep-th]].

  17. A. Jakovac, P. Mati, Validating the 2PI resummation: the Bloch-Nordsieck example, Phys. Rev. D 90 (2014) 4, 045038 [arXiv:1405.6576 [hep-th]].

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  19. E. Molnár, H. Holopainen, P. Huovinen, H. Niemi, Influence of temperature-dependent shear viscosity on elliptic flow at backward and forward rapidities in ultrarelativistic heavy-ion collisions, Phys. Rev. C 90 (2014) 4, 044904 [arXiv:1407.8152 [nucl-th]].

  20. S. Nagy, Lectures on renormalization and asymptotic safety, Annals Phys. 350 (2014) 310 [arXiv:1211.4151 [hep-th]].

  21. I. Nándori, I. G. Márián, V. Bacsó, Spontaneous symmetry breaking and optimization of functional renormalization group, Phys. Rev. D 89 (2014) 4, 047701 [arXiv:1303.4508 [hep-th]].


  1. V. Del Duca, G. Somogyi, Z. Trócsányi, Integration of collinear-type doubly unresolved counterterms in NNLO jet cross sections, JHEP 1306 (2013) 079 [arXiv:1301.3504 [hep-ph]].
  2. M. V. Garzelli, A. Kardos, C. G. Papadopoulos, Z. Trócsányi, tt pair hadroproduction in association with a heavy boson at the NLO QCD accuracy + Parton Shower, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 452 (2013) 012046 [arXiv:1302.5381 [hep-ph]].

  3. U. D. Jentschura, J. H. Noble, Nonrelativistic Limit of the Dirac-Schwarzschild Hamiltonian: Gravitational Zitterbewegung and Gravitational Spin-Orbit Coupling, Phys. Rev. A 88 (2013) 022121 [arXiv:1306.0479 [gr-qc]].

  4. U. D. Jentschura, Gravitationally Coupled Dirac Equation for Antimatter, Phys. Rev. A 87 (2013) 032101 [Erratum-ibid. A 87 (2013) 069903] [arXiv:1301.2442 [hep-ph]].

  5. U. D. Jentschura, Light sea Fermions in electron-proton and muon-proton interactions, Phys. Rev. A 88 (2013) 6, 062514 [arXiv:1401.3666 [physics.atom-ph]].

  6. J. Kovács, S. Nagy, K. Sailer, On optimization of the functional renormalization group applied to the quantized anharmonic oscillator, Act. Phys. Debr. XLVII (2013) 77.

  7. E. Lötstedt, U. D. Jentschura, Theoretical study of the Compton effect with correlated three-photon emission: From the differential cross section to high-energy triple-photon entanglement, Phys. Rev. A 87 (2013) 3, 033401 [arXiv:1405.1669 [quant-ph]].

  8. S. Nagy, K. Sailer, Interplay of fixed points in scalar models, Int. J. Mod. Phys. A 28 (2013) 1350130 [arXiv:1012.3007 [hep-th]].

  9. S. Nagy, B. Fazekas, L. Juhász, K. Sailer, Critical exponents in quantum Einstein gravity, Phys. Rev. D 88 (2013) 11, 116010 [arXiv:1307.0765 [hep-th]].

  10. I. Nándori, Functional renormalization group with a compactly supported smooth regulator function, JHEP 1304 (2013) 150 [arXiv:1208.5021 [hep-th]].

  11. J. H. Noble, M. Lubasch, U. D. Jentschura, Generalized Householder Transformations for the Complex Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem, Eur. Phys. J. Plus 128 (2013) 93, [arXiv:1301.5758 [quant-ph]].

  12. R. Derco, Simple analytic expressions for the pole parts of double virtual correction to e+e- -> 3 partons, Act. Phys. Debr. XLVII (2013) 49.

  13. J. Rácz, I. Nándori, J. Halász, P. F. de Chatel, Anisotropic magnetic nanoparticles - more effective hyperthermia for cancer therapy?, Act. Phys. Debr. XLVII (2013) 163.

  14. E. Romera, R. del Real, M. Calixto, S. Nagy, Á. Nagy, Renyi entropy of the U(3) Vibron model, J. Math. Chem. 51 (2013) 620.

  15. K. Sailer, Z. Péli, S. Nagy, Some consequences of the generalized uncertainty principle induced ultraviolet wave-vector cutoff in one-dimensional quantum mechanics, Phys. Rev. D 87 (2013) 8, 084056 [arXiv:1301.6913 [math-ph]].


  1. T. S. Biró, E. Molnár, Non-extensive statistics, relativistic kinetic theory and fluid dynamics, Eur. Phys. J. A 48 (2012) 172 [arXiv:1205.6079 [nucl-th]].

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  3. M. V. Garzelli, A. Kardos, C. G. Papadopoulos Z. Trócsányi, ttW+/- and ttZ Hadroproduction at NLO accuracy in QCD with Parton Shower and Hadronization effects, JHEP 1211 (2012) 056 [arXiv:1208.2665 [hep-ph]].

  4. M. V. Garzelli, A. Kardos, Z. Trócsányi, tt + hard X hadroproduction with PowHel, PoS LL 2012 (2012) 057.

  5. Horváth D., Nagy S., Nándori I. és Trócsányi Z., A fénynél gyorsabb neutrínók tündöklése és bukása - egy téves felfedezés anatómiája, Fizikai Szemle 62 (2012) 145.

  6. S. Nagy, Degeneracy induced scaling of the correlation length for periodic models, Nucl. Phys. B 864 (2012) 226 [arXiv:1204.0440 [hep-th]].

  7. S. Nagy, J. Krizsán, K. Sailer, Infrared fixed point in quantum Einstein gravity, JHEP 1207 (2012) 102 [arXiv:1203.6564 [hep-th]].

  8. S. Nagy, Critical exponents of the O(N) model in the infrared limit from functional renormalization, Phys. Rev. D 86 (2012) 085020 [arXiv:1201.1625 [hep-th]].

  9. I. Nándori, J. Rácz, Magnetic particle hyperthermia: power losses under circularly polarized field in anisotropic nanoparticles, Phys. Rev. E 86 (2012) 061404 [arXiv:1206.1544 [cond-mat.mes-hall]].

  10. Nándori I. és Trócsányi Z., Neutrínó-áltudomány?, Fizikai Szemle 62 (2012) 248.